Frequently Asked Questions

Lumen Brands navigates entry into the U.S. market and partners with you to start building you brand online and then growing into in-store distribution.

Working with Lumen

Working with us is straightforward and professional.
Who will I be working with?
Brands are assigned one brand manager for any and every inquiry from their side.
How are projects managed?
We build a project board in for each brand. This enables you to post task requests, see work in progress and monthly reporting.
How do we monitor our brand?
Lumen provides monthly accounting, sales reports, reporting forecasting, and more.
Who manages our media?
We keep organized shared files in with all photos, videos and documents created to support your brand.
Are you a buyer or importer?
We function as both the buyer and importer of record. We execute freight consolidation, clearance at port and delivery.
Are you insured?
We carry liability insurance, licenses for retail, and can directly go-to market, can help accelerate trademarks and I.P. protection.
For wellness and cosmetics companies - We act as your MoCRA Importer of Record
Due to the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA), the US FDA now oversees compliance for many cosmetics and wellness products. We are willing to invest time, resources, and capital towards the registration, insurance, and plan of action to help you meet compliance. At no charge to you.
For food and nutrition brands - We are offering to be your FSVP Importer of Record
We are willing to invest time, resources, and capital towards the compliance, registration, insurance, and FSVP plan of action.

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Our Pay Structure

We keep prices competitive through our business practices.
We operate at a 20% gross margin
We can afford to do this because of our ability to scale and leverage our own automation, and because of Prism - our own AI-driven data and advertising platform.
We're not just your importer of record
We offer the opportunity to consolidate freight across many brands together per country in shipping containers, saving tremendously on freight
We keep you informed at all times
We operate with full transparency and provide complete and comprehensive monthly reporting
We have established relationships
We have preferred relationships with Amazon, ,, which allows us to spend less time on database work, infrastructure, and advertising integration
Our purchase orders are predictable
We purchase at your wholesale pricing, eliminating variable purchase price – no more getting squeezed by distributors
We raise the value of your brand over time
We’ll set higher retailer price points online, protecting retail accounts and improving in-store value to customers of a brand

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Why a US based importer of record is important to your brand

U.S. brick-and-mortar buyers from Walmart, Costco, Walgreens, Target, Kroger, etc. will not purchase directly from a non-U.S. company. Mainstream buyers require a U.S. company who meets a long list of standards and compliance requirements.
We are the responsible party for 100% of shipments entering the U.S.
We are also the party who becomes responsible for lawsuits. We are also responsible for recalls, audits, documentation, and inspections on behalf of your brand in the United States.
We are offering to be your MoCRA Importer of Record
We are willing to invest time, resources, and capital towards the compliance, registration, insurance, and MoCRA plan of action. At no charge to you.
We are offering to be your FSVP Importer of Record
We are willing to invest time, resources, and capital towards the compliance, registration, insurance, and FSVP plan of action.
Lumen is fully compliant
Lumen is fully compliant and registered with the FDA. We are built to comply with all record-keeping and audit requirements from the U.S. FDA.
We operate at a much lower mark-up
Lumen operates at a lower mark-up compared to traditional master distributors. This ensures your products are competitively priced for both e-commerce and brick-and-mortar buyers
Buyers trust us
Buyers will only purchase from an insured, bonded, FDA compliant importer that is a U.S. company in order to remove any liability in recalls or lawsuits. Lumen works with brands to meet all purchasing requirements for mainstream grocery buyers.

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Our Master Distributor Compliance Services

We record, collect, assess, develop and execute on all required compliance services.
Programs/Policies/Procedures/Forms and Lessons
We are the responsible party for 100% of shipments entering the U.S.
Product for Storage and Distribution Program, Agreed Specification Register, FInished Product Register, Finished Product Specification Sheet, packaging Materials Register, Packaging Specification
Receipt, Storage, and Handling of Goods
Receipt, Storage, and Handling of Goods Program, Stock Records Log Sheet
Loading, Transport, and Staging Practices
Loading, Transport, and Staging Practices, Daily Pre-Operation Inspection, Receiving Log, Daily Outgoing Log, Driver Log, Vehicle Inspection Checklist
Good Storage and Distribution Practices
Good Storage and Distribution Practices Program
Crisis Management
Crisis Management Planning Program, Crisis Management Response Team Roster, Crisis Management Team Training, Sources of Legal and Expert Advice, Crisis Alert Contact List, Crisis Management Plan Testing and Verification, Crisis Management After Action Report, Crisis Management After Action Review, After Action Report-Evacuation
FDA Recall Programs/Policies/Procedures, Forms for Records and Lessons for Training Materials for Cosmetics
Product Withdrawal and Recall Program, Product Recall Procedures, Product Disposal Procedures, Mock Recall Procedures, Regulatory / Certification Body Notification Procedure, Recall Letter, Recall Return Response Form, Mock Recall Forms, Product Disposal Forms, Effectiveness Check Response Form, Recall Call Sheet, Recall Status Report, FDA Submission Report, Product Recall Management Response Team Roster, Product Recall Committee Roster, Recall Flow Diagram, Product Withdrawal and Recall Assessment and Investigation al
Customer Complaint Management
Complaint Management Program, Customer Complaint Report, Investigation Corrective Action Report, SCAR-Supplier Corrective Action Request Form, Customer Complaint Trend Analysis, Complaint Log Record, SCAR Register Log
Allergen Management
Allergen Management Program, Allergen Statement, Allergen Control Program Statement

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Our Foreign Supplier Verification Program Services

We adhere to FSVP/QI guidelines so you can export your products to the U.S. with confidence.
Programs/Policies/Procedures/Forms and Lessons
FDA Facility Registration
U.S. Agent Designee, FDA Registration Number
What definitions apply to this
Facility/Product Identification
What foods do the
requirements in this subpart apply to?
Importer's Qualification
What foreign supplier
verification program (FSVP) must I
FSVP Requirement Program, Labelling Requirements perRegulations (if applicable), Food Defense Plan, Management of Suppliers of Raw Materials and Packaging, Temporary FSVP Policy forEmergency Suppliers, Ingredients, Raw Materials,Products Foreign Supplier Importer Evaluation
Who must develop my FSVP
and perform FSVP activities?
FSVP Personnel Qualification Program, FSVP Qualified Individual Checklist, Job Description, FSVP Audit Program, FSVP Qualified Auditor Registry, FSVP Qualified Auditor Registry, FSVP Audit Schedule, FSVP Audit Plan, FSVP Audit Checklist
What hazard analysis must be conducted?
Hazard Analysis, HACCP Plan, Transportation Agreement
What evaluation and approval of Foreign suppliers must be conducted
Foreign Supplier Evaluation, FDA Food Safety Regulations, FSVP Products Description, Product/Service Specifications, FSVP Team Roster, Foreign Supplier Verification Activity(ies) Worksheet, Supplier Requirements Letter
What Foreign Supplier Verification must be conducted?
Foreign Supplier Verification and related activities Program, Finished Product COA, Mock recall exercise, Allergen Policy Statement, California Transparency inSupply Chain Act of 2010Statement (if applicable), California Proposition 65Warranty (if applicable), Details of Coding, Traceability & Recall Systems, FSMA Compliance Statement-Supplier, FSVP Compliance Statement, Pallet Requirements, Policy for Product Events, Non-GMO Statement, Certificate of LiabilityInsurance, Product/Service Specifications, FDA Bioterrorism RegistrationAffidavit/FDA Food Facility Registration, Country of Origin Certificate, Bill of Lading, SDS/MSDS (if applicable), Quality Agreement, Authenticity Validation test results, Hold Harmless Agreement,Guaranty-Warranty of Product (Supplier)
What requirements apply when I import a food that cannot be consumed without the hazards being controlled or for which the hazards are controlled after importation?
FSVP Import Foods Hazard Program, Hazard Analysis, Compliance Statement, Customer Written Assurance, FSVP Requirement Program,
What corrective actions must I take under my FSVP?
FSVP Corrective Action Program, Corrective Action Report (CAPA Report)
How must the importer be identified at entry?
Qualified Individual Checklist, FSVP CBP Filing Form, FSVP Ingredient Product Register, Importer Information Form, Data Universal NumberingSystem (DUNS) number - UFI, FDA Bioterrorism Registration Affidavit/FDA Food Facility Registration
How must I maintain records of my FSVP?
Document Control Program, Change History Document Form, Master Document Register-Form, Document Destruction Record-Form, Records Program
What FSVP must I have if I am importing a food subject to certain requirements in the dietary supplement current good manufacturing practice regulation?
CFR Part 111 - Current Good Manufacturing PracticeIn Manufacturing, Packaging,Labeling, Or Holding Operations For Dietary Supplements Requirements, Imported Goods Subjected toDietary Supplement Regulation Program
What FSVP may I have if I am a very small importer or I am importing certain food from certain small foreign suppliers?
Very Small Importer/ SmallForeign Supplier, FSVP Imported Goods fromSmall Foreign SupplierProgram
What FSVP may I have if I am importing certain food from a country with an officially recognized or equivalent food safety system?
Countries with FDA OfficiallyRecognized or EquivalentFood Safety System (if applicable), Import Food from Equivalent Food Safety System Program (if applicable), Exemptions
What are some consequences of failing to comply with the requirements of this subpart?
U.S. Owner or Consignee, Designated a U.S. Agent or Representative, FSVP Requirements,

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Everything you need in one place

Lumen Brands is a company dedicated to helping you grow your brand. We are the ideal partner for food and nutrition brands.

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